Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Star Trek Personality Test

I forget where I took this, but it was fun, so here it is. (I think it was on someone's page on Facebook.)

According to the test, I am Captain Kirk. I was hoping for Lwaxana Troi, but Kirk is groovin' too. (maybe they don't have Lwaxana as a possible result...yeah, we'll go with that explanation. **giggles**

You can take it here:



helen adu said...

sorry but I couldn't figure out how to get there!

Chris D said...

I'm Dr. McCoy.

Chris D said...

You have to copy the link and put it in that search thingie where you see the link to multiply.

Katha Mahoney said... <<---Just click there :)

Katha Mahoney said...

Oh, sorry. I did not realize that I forgot to make it a link...geez, has it been that long since I blogged?

I'll fix it now..

Katha Mahoney said...

Done! Now the link will work! **turns red**

Chris D said...

Whew-I was scared she wouldn't understand what I meant by search thingie at the top. LOL *I* don't understand what that means! LOLOL

Chris (Tootsie) said...

Hmmm....I'm one of the extra's that gets evaporated into little bits. LOL

Chris (Tootsie) said...

Actually it says I'm Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy.
I don't watch Star Trek, so you can tell me if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Katha Mahoney said...

*ROTFL* You're a Red Shirt, Tootsie?

Katha Mahoney said...

It's a good thing. McCoy is cool

Chris (Tootsie) said...

What's a red shirt?

Katha Mahoney said...

He's the guy in every episode who is not going back to the ship, (gets evaporated into little bits)

Chris (Tootsie) said...

YEP! That would be me.....

Chris (Tootsie) said...

After Capt'n Kirk had his way with me of course....LOL

Katha Mahoney said...

Of course...however, Kirk had no chest hair. :(

Worf was my kind of guy..

Chris (Tootsie) said...

He's nice and hairy!

Katha Mahoney said...

Yeah, baby! He is also loyal and honorable..some very hunky qualities.

\(-----)/♀♀ leathermenace said...


"It was only the fact of my genetically engineered intellect that allowed us to survive."

Katherine            said...

Captain Jean-Luc Picard

"Make it so!"

Katha Mahoney said...

Mwahahaha! Khan is so AWESOME, and I love Jean-Luc too, especially after he lived that whole life and had a family on that planet that was destroyed 3,000 years before. He was such a good and loving husband and father, wasn't he?

helen adu said...

I'm Dr. McCoy also....I wish the test had a summary of the character's strongest personality traits or something like that; it would make the test even more interesting, but it was fun. Thanks for making the link.

Katherine            said...

Gosh I'm really lacking on my Star Trek trivia!

But here's a fun video - Shatner was/is a character

Katha Mahoney said...

Dr. McCoy is the country doctor who finds himself chief medical officer on a starship. He's a good guy, if that's any help.

Katha Mahoney said...

Thanks for the video! I love William Shatner! He is TEH most awesome. He is so fan-freaking-tastic!

Chris D said...

I loved that one.

Katha Mahoney said...

Oh my gosh! That song he wrote for his son's naming ceremony was so beautiful, and when he played it on a layer episode, it made me cry like a baby.

helen adu said...

I know...I used to watch ST as a kid all the time...I just thought it would be a neat addition to the test.

Katha Mahoney said...

Ah! I see. you're right, but I guess they figured no one would take the test but long-time fans. How wrong they were to forget about bloggers and their quizzy fetishes..

helen adu said...


Katha Mahoney said...


Katherine            said...

Here's another one. You know I used to think he was my father when I was 5 or so - they seem a bit alike anyways

What IS he smoking??... ;-)

Oh - and lets us not forget Leonard Nemoy's musical career: MySpace Tracker "If I had a hammer" - its a classic! hahaha

Lusy, The Sunset Girl™ . said...

I did it and I'm Mr.Spock - who is he? Which Star Trek are we talking about here anyway? Doesn't seem like the one I followed back then... O_o

Lusy, The Sunset Girl™ . said...

Forgot to mention thank you for this - the questions there got me thinking about myself... just what I need today - LOL. Hugs!

Katha Mahoney said...

Spock was the logical one, Lusy.

Katha Mahoney said...

William Shatner doing Rocket Man! Classic!!! How awesome was that?!

Gee Wiz said...

I always turn out as Counselor Troi every time I take one of these... Love this test... FUN!!! Might steal it... ROFL

Dory Panda said...

I am:
Captain Jean-Luc Picard

"Make it so!"

I've got a bit more hair than him though. ;)

( Myscha ) Kittybriton said...

And it tells me I am Spock...

cool, composed logical exterior masking turbulent and violent emotional forces, because Vulcans regard their intense emotions as a vulnerability.

"Message Spock?"
"None intended, Admiral. Except, of course, 'Happy Birthday', surely 'the best of times'?"

buggal's place! said...

I am Spock - I'm so thrilled - I LOVE Mr Spock - in fact when we played Star Trek in high school I was First Office Spot!

Katha Mahoney said...

Woot! Star Trek quotes! I am VERY impressed!

Xx Xx said...

I recall Kirk having chest hair. Not enough to be furry, but enough to make me go, "erlack!"

Katha Mahoney said...

Maybe you're thinking of someone else? Spock had chest hair...

Xx Xx said...

Like, blah. Technically he is not even Kirk there. XD

( Myscha ) Kittybriton said...

Now if I could choose, maybe I would be Saavik.
Am I completely off the beam if I wonder if Spock's family are directly descended from Surak?

Katha Mahoney said...

Saavik is a good choice. Would you rather be the Kirsty Alley Saavik, or the Robin Curtis Saavik? I'd pick Kirsty Alley, myself, but I loved Robin Curtis as well..

As for the Surak question, I think he definitely could be. Spock and family were extraordinary.

( Myscha ) Kittybriton said...

Robin Curtis for sure! (I don't remember seeing Kirsty Alley play the role)

And somehow I don't think a superannuated dumpling like me in a Starfleet uniform is quite going to cut the mustard.

Katha Mahoney said...

Aw, you are too hard on yourself. There are plenty of dumplings in Star trek uniforms and not all of them are spring chickens! *LOL*

( Myscha ) Kittybriton said...

Well don't tell anybody, but I think of the garage as the hangar deck, and the van as our one and only shuttlecraft (and there really is one somewhere in the area with the license plate NCC1701 !)

Actually, now I stop to think about it, there is a welding shop in town with a model of the Enterprise outside...

Katha Mahoney said...

How cool is that?!?!

Kitty Kat =^..^= said...

Apparently I'm Jean-Luc Picard the old bald guy! Hey at least I'm Captain!!

Kez za said...

Sexy Bald Guy!

Katha Mahoney said...

Yeah, I'd say so!

Emma Monkey said...

I got Bones, Worf was my absolute fave!

Katha Mahoney said...

Oooh, mine too.*sighs dreamily*