1. Would you chew gum after someone else already has?
No, but thanks for asking....?
2. What describes your relationship status?
Happily married.
3. Who was your last call from?
My Gin-Gin.
5. Ever been skinny dipping?
All the time...in the shower. *giggle*
6. Earrings or necklace?
I wear earrings all the time, necklaces sometimes.
7. Who have you talked to most on the internet?
Out of all the time I've been on here? My sister Patty, hands down.
8. Liver or cod liver oil?
What about 'em?
9. Friend of the same sex that lives closest to you?
My Gin-Gin.
10. Colour of your shirt?
You have to ask? Say it with me, everyone! Black!
12. Who do you look like, Mother or Father?
My dad.
13. What colour is your background on your computer main screen?
Black/Pink, with a silver Mary Kay prize car.
14. Do you make wishes with your Birthday candles on your cake?
15. Good advice if you ever go camping?
Never been, except if you count the Holiday Inn.
16. Are you a bad influence?
Ummmm...*looks innocent* Not bad bad, but I have been known to be mischievous...in a good way! (Stop choking Maryann... Ginny.... Raymond!)
17. What colour are your eyes?
18. Would you rather eat steak or pasta for dinner?
Can't I have both?
19. Would you do anything for someone?
Depends on who and what.
22. Do you use smiley faces on the computer?
23. What song is on?
In my house, none, just my husband singing a line here and there for the benefit of Paul James, and the sound of the local Traffic and Weather station. If you mean on my site, I have RelientK playing on my front page. I love them!
24. Were your grades good in school?
Depends on whether I was interested in the class or not...or if I showed up, which kinda went hand in hand.
25. What is your favourite snack?
Popcorn, lately. We air pop it, drizzle olive oil on it, and add a light sprinkling of Adobo.
26. One nice thing that happened recently?
I got invited to visit with some friends that I met online.
27. Does your best friend have a myspace?
I'd have to ask.
28. What task do you dislike doing?
Call it a task, that'll make anything unpleasant.
29. Last time you went out to lunch?
When my mother in law died.
30. Have you ever caught a fish?
Sure have.
31. Have you ever enjoyed listening to Jack Johnson?
Never heard of him.
32. Have you ever been on a ship?
Boats, yes, ship, no.
33. Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston?
What about them?
34. Do you like country music?
What's not to like?
35. Were you ever caught up in the Star Trek series?
Caught up in? Whoever wrote that question, Quizmaster, just doesn't get it. Love Star Trek, TOS and TNG being the favorites.
36. Still have pictures of your childhood?
Like it was so long ago? Of course I do!
37. Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library?
I have a library? Cool! But I don't think there are any Ozzys in there.
39. Family Guy or Simpsons?
Neither one, thanks.
41. Do you read trashy romance novels?
43. Mashed potatoes or french fries?
Mashed potatoes.
44. Corn or peas?
Can't I have both? Yum-O!
45. What do you think of the kid's Barney Show?
I never ever let my kids watch that.
46. Have you ever pretended your crush was with you when they weren't?
Not sure what that means...maybe I just need more sleep.
47. Rice or noodles?
Brown Jasmine Rice, please.
48. Have you ever traveled on a train?
49. Do you like jello?
Yes. Especially since Mary Anne taught me about the wonders of Jello shots. I made them for Easter last year.
50. Have you ever spent over an hour thinking about nothing but a certain person?
51. Have you ever liked someone solely because of their appearance?
Maybe at first. For example, I like a person automatically if they smile, or if they have a space between their front teeth, which you only know if they smile. Hey, my brother has a space and one of my BFFs had one, until the dentist closed the gap, I can't help it.
It's up to them whether I continue to like them.
52. Do you eat all the food groups daily....meat, milk, veggies/fruit, bread?
53. Are you messy or neat?
Messy. Help me FlyLady!
54. Have you ever been to South America or Africa?
55. Do you know how to knit?
No, I use to crochet though.
56. Do you ever communicate by text messages?
My favorite means of communication! Well, almost, or I wouldn't be going to meet these friends face to face, now would I?.
57. Oatmeal or Corn Flakes?
Oatmeal. don't know that I have ever eaten corn flakes.
58. Do you keep a diary or journal?
I used to.
59. When you open your closet, what is the dominant color?
When I open my closet? You mean some people can close theirs?
60. Favourite Pie?
Blueberry, cherry, or costco's mixed berry pie.
61. Favourite Cookies?
Chocolate chip oatmeal raisin bran. I made the recipe up myself when the kids were little. I figured if they were going to have cookies, they were going to be good for them.
62. Without too much thought, favourite movie?
I love While You Were Sleeping. Xx and I just watched that recently.
63. Favourite soup?
Right now, I'm diggin' the 16 bean soup I made yesterday. Talk about yum!
64. Shocking event in your life?
When Kelly (my friend Maryann's daughter, and my Piratess daughter's best friend) died, just short of her 14th birthday. It still affects me so much.
65. Sad event in the last year?
Losing my godfather, losing my mother in law.
66. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars?
Love all of them.
67. Fly or road trip?
Road Trip!!! Woot!
68. Favourite thing to drink?
Coffee, Red Wine, Water, Unsweetened freshly brewed Iced Tea.
69. What do you dislike most about online ?
Having to settle for cyber hugs.
70. Go to the movie theatre or rent a movie and watch it at home?
Depends on the movie. Most times, I think I'd rather watch at home, but sometimes you just want to see it right away... like with Lord of the Rings.
71. If you had to lose a sense ....what would you rather lose; your hearing or sight?
Hearing, because I could still be online, drive, stuff like that.
72. If you could change only one thing from your past, what would it be?
My past has made me who I am today, and I kinda like being me.
Awww I like you answers. So very cute you are....and the pic of you as a child....OMG so adorible...**Smiles and Big Hugs**
I forgot to note that that was taken right before we left for a concert in 5th grade. I was singing in Chorus.
These questions were pretty good, for the most part. I am a huge LOTR fan; love that Boromir! ;^)
I am trying to crochet. I just need to do it so I'll get better. And I'm also a big Star Trek Fan; my favorite was Voyager. Voyager Theme song was, for me, sad and a little lonely. It was probably because the time it was broadcast, I was newly divorced and on my own journey.
Anyway, well done! And that picture of you as a child-how cute! I love the dog!
Nice addition, the photos.
16 beans! Yeah! I just put some to soak for tomorrow, but only 2. (kinds)
I think the wedding pic is adorable!!
WOW!!! 72 questions, that was quite a committment... Who makes these things up? Oh well, I enjoyed reading yours... Have done two in two days, might have to pass on this one, or save it for later... Did not get the crush question either, either I am old, or I need sleep too... LOL
Yet another good where I learn more about you!! Although, I may not remember if I knew it before.............sorry, the effects of losing my memory...........!!
I enjoyed your answers.....and your sense of humor. You had me laughing out loud a couple of times. I can tell this is going to be a FUN get-away weekend!!!
And I'm happy to hear you like jello-shots since I plan on making some for our girls weekend!
Great answers! 72 questions... more power to ya girly! I'd have to do this when I'm more awake & have more energy! :o)
Woot! I am so looking forward to our girls weekend! And we're adding Jell-O shots?! Um, Kelly's not bringing Sugar, is she? That'd be trouble! {{gales of laughter}}
The Easter Jell-O shots was more like 2 years ago.
Good answers. Live long and prosper!
Two years ago? Really? I have no concept of time.
Hmmmm....guess you're gonna have to fill me in on the comment about Kelly and sugar on our weekend. I hate being in the dark!
I love this list. I love Reliant K AND Star Trek (and yes, I have a bit of a crush on Worf...)
Thanks for being my friend, btw. *hug*
Yup... I think by this Easter it might be 3 years.
There was a gift-giving blog on Maija's page, I think, but everybody got involved and had gift giving blogs. Well, one person gave Kelly a handyman to work on her kitchen, which was still under construction. When he was named Sugar, I do not know. It may well have been at my bloggiversary party, at which I made many of the friends I hold dear today. I just asked Xx, and she says she believes it was at my party that he was named, so since she is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY better at remembering than I am, I will trust that it is so.
This party went on for a while, and then some. (There are some pretty funny jokes in there, and Kelly and I used it to exchange jokes for long after the party was over.) If you want to see, here's the link. I warn you, it is a lot of comments, but most of them are fun.
Okay, I must digress. Sugar was the life of the party, shall we say. He was constantly disappearing with some of the ladies, but his presence was not ever forgotten. Here's his picture, you see why. (Yes Chris, I know, he totally needs more chest hair.)
HAHAHA! Yess... I think it was Pleka Kat who dubbed him.
Ya see? You're super mega special awesome, Xx!
Yep, if he was hairy, he'd be perfect!
I love those blog parties we had over on 360!!
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