I am now ready to (hopefully) get back in the swing. Thanks to all of you who have left messages and PMed me and helped me remember that I am loved.
You guys rock!
Ten Thoughts Tuesday
1. Geez, I've never done this before, but I think it'll be an easy exercise to get me back on track.
2. I haven't played En Garde fencing for three days. I've been too sleepy to think, and you need to be somewhat alert to play, but I am still ranked in the top 50 in the world. Pretty Dang Cool, if you ask me. Now, if I can only stay up there..not sure if I can pull that off. (My name in the rankings- Laura Laks)
3. If any out there would like to play (though I know there are a big handful who do,) here's the link to the video tutorial. I'd love to fence with you at any time! Actually, you can watch it right here!
4. I'm really excited about going to Ohio to have a mini-(re)union with some of my Multiply homies! Woot!
5. Another game I like to play is called Tiny Empires. It is a wildly successful online game that even has it's own WIKI. I should include a link to my line. You'll find us on the far right, under Princess Terry Ragu, and Prince Capt Blinker.
6. I have more than one avatar playing this game, and my avatar named Katha Sweetwater just got a title bestowed on her. I will now be known as Lemonade Princess. Isn't that sweet? (*giggles*)
7. Xx made her birthday cake, which she said she was not going to do until her CDs from Japan arrived. I was thinking it was so good, I need to post the recipe sometime. It's very heart-healthy, and so good, you do not even need frosting. I made it for my sister once, years ago, and because I was distracted by her visit, I burned it, but it was still reallllly good.
8. I probably could have broken some of these down into more thoughts.
9. I'd be already done, if I had done that.
10. I miss my Gin-Gin, we need to go shopping together...think I'll text her right now.
I just had to take this picture of the local scoreboard a few nights ago. Note that Kartor and I are numbers one and two! Woot!
Very impressive... Glad you are dipping your toes in the water...
Loved loved loved chating with you yesterday... You have a wonderful voice... ((( HUGS))
Glad to see you back. Online fencing...cool.
Have fun in Ohio!
Hope the water isn't too chilly here! I've missed you tons, but glad you are doing well. I just realized I have your phone number in my cell...silly me. I could have called! So sorry!!
Glad you are enjoying the online fencing...it sounds complicated to me. I am up to my eyeballs keeping up with Multiply and Facebook. Not much happening on my FB page, but Kelly and Sandra have me hooked on a game there. Argh!
SO looking forward to meeting you in just 2 short weeks! WOOT!!
Woo Hoo... Lookie at my Aunty Laura & DaddyK rock the fencing world!! :)
Congrats on the new title for Katha! :)
WELCOME BACK to the blogging world! :)
I'm glad to see you back here, Katha! You've definitely been missed! *smile*
Can't wait to see you and finally meet you in person!
WTG on the fencing :D I'm still ranked 315th in the world as Kitty LOL Fenced against Karma the other day, big mistake, she wiped the floor with me ;) Ah well, I do better as Nottie :) (And when playing other beginners, rather than biting off more than I can chew)
I'm up for a round or eight any time you see me online. Not that I've been on SL much lately. I miss Spooked *bring out the violins*
November/December should be stricken from the record for all of us, methinks!
Welcome back to the world of blogging *tries to think of a word beside hon*, it's been kind of quiet without you :)
Congrats on the #1 ranking! I watched the demo... and I'm willing to try fencing, but I doubt I'll be anywhere close to your rank. LOL!! I agree the Ohio shindig is gonna be awesome!!!!
I didn't know you were such a gamer!!
I can't wait till out get-together. This is gonna be so much fun. Can't wait to meet you and the others face to face...HUG to HUG!!!
Glad to have you back in the blogging world!
Ah, but when are you going to blog AGAIN? That is the question that awaits to be answered....
Love your thoughts, Sweetie. And I love having our names at the top of the board. Of course, I have no played in 3 days now so I think I need to get back and get up there in rank. I look forward to your upcoming blogs!!! ***BIG HUGS***
I didn't know you were such a gamer either. You're pretty good! :-) My son is looking forward to trying actual fencing with a new homeschool group next fall. He's wanted to try for years. Helps to live near where they offer a class. We'll be driving an hr for it next year. But all the kids will be taking a couple of classes that day so it'll we worth the drive once a week.
Nice to see you back! Life happens and we all need breaks from time to time.
Have fun in Ohio! Big Hugs, M :-)
Glad to have you back - I missed hearing your mother-in-law passed away - my condolences.
Its good to have you back Katha!
So,,, like,,,,if I come to Ohio can I be in on this little party??
~For all its worth you were truly missed by me~~
My oldest did a little bit of fencing (kinda) and really enjoyed it. It was actually a class for acting, but they had to learn about fencing. The class was called Stage Combat. I hope your son loves it as much as my Piratess did.
I really wish you were able to go to the get-together, but I understand you have to wait until the children are older. *hugs*
Thank you so much Buggal.
Thank you for your kind thoughts.
Wouldn't that be cool if you could come? I do intend to get back to work on a larger (re)union for Multiply/360. I think that would be a blast! I'm a little scared of what things cost these days though, and wonder how many would be ale to come. I just got an invite to my thirtieth HS reunion,. The ticket price is $125pp. When we went to Rich's 30th, the price was $75. Geez Louise, what a hike!
We'll have to go to Dragon song and play some people there! The greater variety of people you play, the better.
Thank you! (The water feels fine!) You have a wonderful voice too!
Thank you all for welcoming me back!
Hey Katha, We are all the grown-ups now......Yikes. Remember always and Forever nothing in this life can distroy us unless we let it.
Eleven years ago a dear friend reminded me that "If it don't Kill us it makes us stronger!!!" and a few other vital idea. It is as true today and when you said it so long ago. Love you
Maryann!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not too excited, am I?
I love you too, dear friend. You are right, and sometimes we need those we love to remind us of what we already know. You are wise. **big hugs**
I knew about your m-i-l of course but not your other situation. You've been in my thoughts & prayers all along as you know. I'm glad you are healing. *hugs*
Glad to see you back here.
Thanks for your visit for the PP.
I watched the video again so I'd know how to play!
You so totally rock, beating Astor your very first game!
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